Halogen-Free FR Chemistry.
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New range of Eco coatings.
Nanoflam Eco Coatings are suitable for application to most fibre types and blends. Formulations are modified to meet individual customer requirements and whilst all products can be applied on conventional machinery we will adjust formulations to perform on specific application machines as necessary.
Halogen-Free FR
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Halogen-Free FR
Blinds & Drapes.
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Halogen-Free FR
Digital Printing.
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Halogen-Free FR
We specialise in providing bespoke solutions for our customers. We can offer Fire Retardant solutions in a range of different chemistries and as more stringent Environmenal requirements are being requested for Auromotive we can also offer Environmentally freindly solutions including Halogen Free FR , Oek-otex 100 and ZDHC compliant products.
The transport sector we targert includes commercial, and domestic vehicles, mass transportation covering aviation, marine, rail and buses/coaces.
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Halogen-Free FR
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Halogen-Free FR
Nanoflam innovates advanced coating technologies to provide multi-functional, high performance coatings for woven, knitted and nonwoven technical textiles. These products are formulated to fulfil a range of functional and aesthetic properties such as flame retardancy, water repellency and durability while maintaining the look and feel of the fabric.
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